Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Velvet Verbosity's 100 word challenge for this week revolves around the word Obsession. And I happen to have one. I claim it, I own it, for better or worse, wholeheartedly. Cold wintery weather has me seeking out indoor hobbies. It's my own damn fault for letting my hobby tip towards Obsession...


The Obsession (yes, it warrants a capitol “O”) was not something I planned. I stumbled upon a website one day which captured my imagination. That, in turn, lead to web searches, which lead to all of my free time being spent in front of my computer. I found suppliers for my Obsession and I follow (devour) their every word. I eat some meals in front of this computer. I think about sitting down and writing my own 'Kirk and Spock' Fan Fiction, but am afraid taking my Obsession that far will be the straw that breaks my boyfriend's back.


  1. Well, it appears that at least two of us are hooked on something besides phonics! That would be our computers. I promise I didn't read anyone's before I wrote mine! This is a good one. Thanks. I enjoyed it.

  2. Much like this Challenge is for me... I like the way the tension builds in this piece. Nicely done.

  3. well done! (written as I sit eating a snack -lol)

  4. I wouldn't know anything about spending all day in front of my computer. (Dont ask Lance). Sometimes I get lost in the land of google!

  5. Hail, fellow geek.:)

  6. So nice! Great the way the piece builds.
