Thursday, August 25, 2011

Depth -- 100 Words

This week's word prompt from Velvet Verbosity is Depth. Here's my submission:

She Will Be Her Own Hero

She is out of money, out of time, out of her depth, and most certainly out of character. How do people do this? How do they start over and mean it?

Desperate times call for desperate measures, she's learned.

After what seems a lifetime of uncertainty, the slippery slope that was leading her towards the dark unknown has begun to provide a bit of traction for her well-worn shoes. Maybe, by moving determinedly, just maybe she'll gain a bit of a foothold in this new beginning. She wants to control her destiny. She has no faith in fate. Not anymore.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Perfectionism - 100 Words

This week's 100 Words prompt is perfectionism. I have opted to use perfection instead. Here goes:

Mostly unobtainable, except...

While human beings always strive for perfection, it is rarely obtainable – no matter how hard we try. But every once in a while, something special comes along to challenge the status-quo. We are gathered here in witness to - and in celebration of - one such example of near-perfection. They started out with next to nothing and built an empire of family out of their astonishing love and blind faith in each other. They are my ideal of obtainable perfection, and I strive to learn from their example. So, to Mom and Dad and their 45 years together. Cheers!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Chasm - 100 Words

Finally! After a bit of a hiatus, I have a 100 Words entry. Here's my entry for the prompt 'chasm':

Starting on His Bucket List

Fourteen days ago, he decided to sell as many of his belongings as possible, to donate what was left, and to hit the road. The thrilling part of this whole thing, to him anyway, is that he has no idea where he is going yet. He will let a map of the Americas and a dart be his guide. He isn't picky, he just wants to experience everything he can on this, his Best Adventure. And if it just so happens that his route takes him over a chasm or two...well, he might finally try his hand at base jumping.

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Step Forward (I think)

Today I stood on the shore of Lake Superior.

I watched the waves tumble the rocks into the sand. I marveled at how many rocks there were and wondered how long it had taken the lake to smooth out the stones' rough edges. I wondered what it would take to smooth my rough edges.

Today I stood on the shore of Lake Superior in the rain and the drizzle and did my damnedest to let the anger go.

I ended up walking the shore for a couple of hours.

I felt better.

I feel better.

Thank you, Lake Superior.

Friday, April 22, 2011

A non-100 words post

It's been about three weeks since I've posted anything. Long gaps between posts was not my intention when I started this blog. But, I find I'm in a really dark place emotionally right now so I've been skipping the 100-words posts. (Anger, anyone? I've got plenty to spare.) My 100 Words would be all angst, darkness, and I'm-gonna-smack-a-fool, anyway, so I figured I'd spare you that torment. I've done my best to write it down but I've kept it private. There's only so much "I got dumped" that I can share with others before I get sick of myself, you know?


I've been reading a lot and spending as much time with friends and away from home as possible. For the first time in months, I've picked up my knitting needles. Is this a sign that I'm beginning to let go of the anger? God, I hope. I hate being pissed off all the time. I'm normally quick to smile and greet anyone I meet. Now, I'm all about dagger-eyes and back-off body language. I hate it.

I do have a road trip planned for a few days the first week of May. I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to it. No responsibilities except getting to the places I want to go. (I'm going here, for sure.) I've signed myself up for and I am meeting a fellow couch surfer while I'm in the UP. I'm not brave enough yet to request a stay on his couch, but he's agreed to meet for cocktails one evening. So that's good, right? Meeting new people, I mean.

Hopefully I'll be back to 100-Words soon. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Voice - 100 Words

This week's 100 Words prompt is voice. Here's my submission:


She calls him every Sunday.

She tells him how the kids are doing, about her job, about the people she saw. The way she starts sentences with did you know... twists the knife that is the colossal mistake of his life (what a mess) that much more.

She doesn't come right out and say that they miss him. More than likely, she wants to throttle him and will likely want to for the rest of their lives. He can deal with that.

As long as she doesn't leave him.

And as long as he can hear her voice every Sunday.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Cuffs - 100 Words

I'm late for this entry. The inspiration didn't strike until just now. This is a bit of a continuation from last week. I drop an F-bomb or two in this one so stop reading right now if you get offended by foul language.


Last Tuesday (God, has it been a week already? fuck.), a social worker told me I wasn't suffering enough for his organization to help me. He handed me fliers from organizations offering sliding-scale fees, wished me luck, and showed me the door.



Whatever, man.

I'll sit here in my emotional handcuffs until I find someone who'll listen for the right price. Maybe then I'll be heard. All I want, really, is someone to HEAR me when I speak (for fuck's sake, he sure as hell didn't listen).

Why should I have to pay for that?

Why should anyone?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sleek and Sharp

This week's 100 word challenge prompt is sleek. Here's my contribution:

Sleek and Sharp

It began when he muttered that cursed sentence, 'We need to talk.'

The resulting pain is relentless, sleek, and sharp. It has settled in the pit of my stomach, has branched up into my chest and squeezes my heart with every breath. Pain chases my blood around my veins until it is all I know. I am crippled by this invisible force and I hate it. I rail at it and want it gone but know it will own me until the acceptance settles in.

His name used to by my joy. It is now my lament and my penance.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ample Optimism

Second submission for Velvet Verbosity's 100 Words! It's been a bit crazy around here so I missed a couple of weeks.

Ample Optimism
Right now she has food to eat and a roof over her head . She tries not to worry about what she doesn't have and budgets what she does have mercilessly. The rest will fall into place once her job, her career, is found. Then, the stress over money and making ends meet will abate. The worries about keeping her house will cease. She'll finally be able to replace that screwed up drainage pipe. Unemployment is tough and the worry of it all is wreaking havoc on her health.

Soon, though, there will be ample resources for joy.

She hopes.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Velvet Verbosity's 100 word challenge for this week revolves around the word Obsession. And I happen to have one. I claim it, I own it, for better or worse, wholeheartedly. Cold wintery weather has me seeking out indoor hobbies. It's my own damn fault for letting my hobby tip towards Obsession...


The Obsession (yes, it warrants a capitol “O”) was not something I planned. I stumbled upon a website one day which captured my imagination. That, in turn, lead to web searches, which lead to all of my free time being spent in front of my computer. I found suppliers for my Obsession and I follow (devour) their every word. I eat some meals in front of this computer. I think about sitting down and writing my own 'Kirk and Spock' Fan Fiction, but am afraid taking my Obsession that far will be the straw that breaks my boyfriend's back.