Friday, April 22, 2011

A non-100 words post

It's been about three weeks since I've posted anything. Long gaps between posts was not my intention when I started this blog. But, I find I'm in a really dark place emotionally right now so I've been skipping the 100-words posts. (Anger, anyone? I've got plenty to spare.) My 100 Words would be all angst, darkness, and I'm-gonna-smack-a-fool, anyway, so I figured I'd spare you that torment. I've done my best to write it down but I've kept it private. There's only so much "I got dumped" that I can share with others before I get sick of myself, you know?


I've been reading a lot and spending as much time with friends and away from home as possible. For the first time in months, I've picked up my knitting needles. Is this a sign that I'm beginning to let go of the anger? God, I hope. I hate being pissed off all the time. I'm normally quick to smile and greet anyone I meet. Now, I'm all about dagger-eyes and back-off body language. I hate it.

I do have a road trip planned for a few days the first week of May. I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to it. No responsibilities except getting to the places I want to go. (I'm going here, for sure.) I've signed myself up for and I am meeting a fellow couch surfer while I'm in the UP. I'm not brave enough yet to request a stay on his couch, but he's agreed to meet for cocktails one evening. So that's good, right? Meeting new people, I mean.

Hopefully I'll be back to 100-Words soon. 

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